I get an itch every five years to repaint and redo my bedroom. As I'm approaching that time limit, I've been looking at several bedding options. I've been inspired by several bloggers to do more diy projects, such as my own tufted headboard and refashioned nightstands. But I never thought of diy-ing my bedding...until now.
Anthropologie's Rosette Bedding is at the top of my list. I love the texture and softness that it projects...which makes it so inviting. And what is better than a bed you LOVE to dive into each night??? Upon taking a closer look, it appears that each square could be individually gathered and then sewn together to make the entire quilt. Finding jersey knit fabric shouldn't be a problem - I think the sewing will take more time than anything.

What am I getting myself into? It seems like a huge endeavor, but I'm willing to try!